Creeping on my fellow classmates blogs:

Author: Patty Feole

Topic: I enjoy blogging!

My comment: I have enjoyed blogging, too! I also feel that blogging is a way to stay connected to people who you may normally not see; in your case a blog is a great way for your family to keep track of your travels. I also agree that some of our topics weren’t the most interesting, but they helped us (sometimes) further understand PR.

Author: Collin Bryant

Topic: Movies And Concerts I Have Recently Seen

My comment: I always get so irritated when a movie has a great trailer on television or even Youtube, and the movie is a flop. Most time, those movies have the climax or most interesting part shown and there isn’t much left to the plot I am a Twilight, Harry Potter, and Pirates of The Caribbean fanatic; those movies always have great trailers, leave tons to the imagination, and never disappoint! As far as concerts, I rarely see concerts advertised on television. Like you, I either Google the tour dates, hear them advertised on the radio, or see posters.

Author: Michelle Brown

Topic: Traditional PR and Advertising. Hit or Miss?

My Comment: I think that social media is becoming more of a common way for people to learn about movies and concerts (and basically everything else about life.) I can’t think of anyone that says, “I read the movie review in the newspaper…” To be honest, I don’t think I have ever read a movie review from a newspaper. And, I don’t think ads found in magazines do any justice for a movie; it’s a picture, boring if you ask me. I would probably prefer to look at ads involving mascara…or men’s underwear.
I’m surprised you didn’t like Bridesmaids! I laughed the entire time; good thing I didn’t recommend it you you!

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